tax break: Microsoft Loses Its Work Product and Privilege Dispute
tax break Podcast
In this episode of tax break, we're joined by guest Kevin Kenworthy (Chair of Miller & Chevalier's Tax Department) to discuss the upshot of the district court's decision in Microsoft's transfer-pricing case as it pertains to claims of work-product protection and section 7525 in the context of transfer pricing and international tax planning.
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tax break is not intended and cannot be relied on as legal advice; the content only reflects the thoughts and opinions of its hosts.
tax break is a podcast about tax law, brought to you by Miller & Chevalier. We'll provide you with perspective on select tax issues that will go deeper than what the tax press covers, but not so deep that you'll have to pull out your regulations or read treatises to follow along. The aim of tax break is to focus only on the tax law issues that we find interesting