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EMBARGOED!: To Russia With Love (and Sanctions)


Brian and Tim dig in to the sweeping new executive order targeting Russian Harmful Foreign Activities to decipher what it means for the sanctions risk landscape in Russia and what may be coming next. We also check in on JCPOA 2.0 after an explosive week (literally) away from the negotiating table and go down the rabbit hole on the possible implications of China’s introduction of the digital yuan. Finally, in the Lightning Round, we share quick thoughts on the recent removal of the UAE from Treasury’s list of boycotting countries and a new legislative proposal that would expand CFIUS jurisdiction to certain transactions with U.S. institutions of higher education.

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EMBARGOED! is not intended and cannot be relied on as legal advice; the content only reflects the thoughts and opinions of its hosts.

EMBARGOED! is intelligent talk about sanctions, export controls, and all things international trade for trade nerds and normal human beings alike, hosted by Miller & Chevalier.  Each episode will feature deep thoughts and hot takes about the latest headline-grabbing developments in this area of the law, as well as some below-the-radar items to keep an eye on.  Subscribe for new bi-weekly episodes so you don't miss out: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | Google Podcasts | Stitcher | YouTube