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Rocco Femia Quoted on OECD BEPS Anti-Treaty-Shopping measures in BNA Transfer Pricing Report and Tax Analysts

"OECD Draft on Treaty Shopping Likely To Be Reissued, Treasury Official Says"

Bloomberg BNA Transfer Pricing Report

"Treasury Prefers Having Text of Model LOB in BEPS Action 6"
Tax Analysts


Rocco Femia was quoted regarding the OECD BEPS anti-treaty-shopping measures. His remarks were made as he presented on a panel with Quyen Huyhn, Attorney-Advisor, Office of International Tax Counsel at the U.S. Department of the Treasury, at the annual conference of the International Fiscal Association's (IFA's) USA Branch in Washington, DC, on February 26. Femia and Huyhn discussed the extent to which the OECD was considering the business community's suggestion to simply provide a general statement of principle on how a LOB could satisfy the OECD's minimum standard for preventing treaty abuse, rather than devoting so much time and so many resources to resolving the complex issues that drafting an appropriate model LOB would require.

This article was also featured in the BNA Daily Report for Executives.