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Matt Ellis's Book "The FCPA in Latin America" Reviewed in the FCPA Compliance & Ethics Report Blog

"Matt Ellis – The FCPA in Latin America"

FCPA Compliance Report

In this book review, Thomas Fox, author of the FCPA Compliance & Ethics Report Blog, reviews and praises Matteson Ellis's book, "The FCPA in Latin America." "If your company gets into (FCPA) hot water in Latin America, I tell folks that Matt Ellis is the guy to call," Fox wrote. The review covers the primary topics of Ellis's book, which includes a discussion of why bribery and corruption are prevalent in Latin America; the risks a company can face when doing business in the region and how to manage them; cultural norms in Latin America that can help companies and their employees develop and embrace compliance strategies tailored to the region; and how companies should respond if they come under Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) investigation. "Matt Ellis has set the standard for anyone who wants to understand FCPA compliance in Latin America," Fox wrote. "More than simply a recitation of the rules, 'The FCPA in Latin America' speaks closer to my heart because it is about actually doing compliance. If you are doing business in Latin America or even considering it, you need to read this book." The book also dispels the myth that corruption is endemic to Latin America, which Fox finds particularly valuable. "Ellis opens his book with a firm debunking of the US-centric myth that corruption is endemic to Latin America, which many Americans believe to be the only way to do business in region and in fact is what Latin Americans want to do in the first place," Fox said. "Every compliance practitioner should read Chapter 1 and be thoroughly familiar with these points."