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FCPA Compliance: Third-Party Due Diligence Webinar

Kate Atkinson will speak on the CLE webinar, sponsored by Strafford Publications.


Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) compliance risks can arise out of the conduct of foreign third parties and their agents. However, many U.S. companies take steps to minimize third-party risks, or take steps that prove either inadequate or prohibitively expensive to implement.

The increased focus on FCPA enforcement by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission makes due diligence efforts regarding third-party agents a high priority. Businesses and their counsel must develop effective compliance programs to minimize third-party risks.

Listen as our authoritative panel examines the special risks created by various types of third-party intermediaries and agents, discusses best practices under the FCPA for due diligence with respect to such third-party agents, and outlines strategies for designing due diligence programs when conducting business around the world.