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ECTI Academy Webinar: Sanctions: What Exporters Need to Know

Tim O'Toole will speak in the Export Compliance Training Institute (ECTI) Academy live webinar, "Sanctions: What Exporters Need to Know," on February 1, 2024. The webinar will delve into recent pivotal developments in jurisdictions heavily sanctioned by the U.S. and provide a detailed overview of crucial U.S. sanctions programs, followed by a focus on recent noteworthy developments, such as the expansion of U.S. sanctions into additional sectors, important designations by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), and recent modifications in the scope of sanctions, as exemplified by recent events in Venezuela. Additionally, Tim will also discuss proactive compliance measures that companies can adopt in response to these developments. Special attention will be given to identifying emerging risks and implementing customized risk mitigation strategies tailored to the evolving landscape of sanctions.