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ACI's 3rd National Conference on Defending and Managing ERISA Litigation

San Francisco, CA

At the American Conference Institute’s 3rd National Conference on Defending and Managing ERISA Litigation, participants will have the unique opportunity to benchmark their practices with leading in-house counsel, insurers and outside defense counsel.  Attendees will gain crucial knowledge, practical strategies and exchange tactics with some of the most successful lawyers in the country who defend these claims regularly.

Anthony Shelley will speak as part of the panel "A Focus on Health & Welfare Benefit Plans: Coordinating Uniform Interpretation of Plans & Administration of Claims, Strategies for Resolving and Defending Litigation with Plan Participants, and Complying with the ACA."   Mr. Shelley will also present a pre-conference workshop on April 13, 2011 on "ERISA Preemption: Countering Plaintiffs’ Attempts to Overcome the Procedural and Substantive Aspects of the Defense."