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ACI's 20th National Advanced Forum on Litigating Disability Insurance Claims

Miami, FL

Anthony F. Shelley will be speaking at the American Conference Institute's (ACI's) 20th National Advanced Forum on Litigating Disability Insurance Claims on February 1, 2017. Shelley will co-present, "The Evolving State of New Remedies and Equitable Relief Under ERISA 502(a)(3): The Latest Court Decisions Affecting the New Remedies Landscape, the Fallout from Rochow v. LINA, Strategies for Addressing 502(a)(3) Relief Claims, and More." Some of the topics discussed will be the current state of ERISA remedies available in fiduciary breach claims, how to strategically address 502(a)(3) relief claims, and how Amara, McCutchen, Rochow and their progeny changed the remedies landscape from the plaintiff's viewpoint.