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Beer Lawsuits Brew Caution For Country-Of-Origin Labeling


In this article, Richard Mojica and Austen Walsh* discuss recent beer-related class action lawsuits and resulting implications on U.S.-based companies for country-of-origin labelling. "A recent flurry of class actions brought under state consumer protection laws involving country-of-origin labeling violations serves as a reminder that domestic companies must exercise caution when advertising a product as 'imported' or 'Made in the USA,'" Mojica and Walsh said. The authors provide three key takeaways, including that these types of cases are on the rise, compliance with labeling standards is becoming increasingly difficult and that running afoul of labelling standards can negatively affect a company's finances and reputation. This article expands on a previous Miller & Chevalier International Alert, which is available here.

*Former Miller & Chevalier attorney