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Robert Kovacev Quoted on IRS's Centralized Planning Around Data and Enforcement in The Hill

"How the IRS is Trying to Make Tax Filing Day Easier"

The Hill

Robert Kovacev was quoted in The Hill on anticipated changes in tax enforcement and administrative design as a result of the Internal Revenue Service's (IRS) strategic operating plan to spend the $80 billion from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). One change is that the IRS is becoming more centralized in the way it handles data and makes decisions related to enforcement. "I'm struck that the pendulum is swinging back to centralized planning. This has been the trend in certain areas ... but it hasn't been so plainly stated. Audit priorities will be dictated centrally, based on data analytics ... and the field agents will merely be conduits of the wisdom descending from Washington," Kovacev said, noting that the term "analytics" appears 149 times in the IRS's new operating plan.