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Andrew Wise Quoted Regarding an Investigation into a Former VA Senator Resignation in The Washington Post

"Lawyers: McAuliffe Aide Could be in Legal Jeopardy"

The Washington Post

Andrew Wise was quoted regarding the corruption investigation following Phillip P. Puckett's resignation from the Virginia Senate. Paul Reagan, chief of staff for Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, could be in legal jeopardy for leaving a voicemail for Puckett suggesting a job for his daughter if he remained in his Senate seat to support a Democratic initiative. Legal experts believe that in order to prove the case, prosecutors would need additional evidence. "The essence of public corruption is a quid pro quo, exchanging an official act for a thing of value," Wise said. "Certainly based on prior cases, an offer of a job would be a thing of value. But would it be a thing of value to Puckett if the job is being offered to his daughter? That’s not clear cut." Wise added a "creative and aggressive" prosecutor might make the argument that the job offer would directly benefit Puckett, but there would be significant room for the defense to argue otherwise.

Wise's comments also appeared in The Daily Progress on October 5, 2014, in an article titled "McAuliffe aide could face legal problems, experts say."