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Andrew Wise Comments on Sufficient Proof of Corruption in McDonnell Case on NBC News

"McDonnell Request to Delay Arraignment Denied"

NBC News

Andrew Wise commented on the 14-count indictment of former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell and his wife, Maureen, for alleged fraudulent activity that includes taking more than $135,000 in gifts and loans from Jonnie R. Williams, CEO of Star Scientific, a dietary supplement company. Practitioners suggest that the prosecution's case hinges on proving there was an agreement between all parties in order to constitute fraud. "Some courts have often talked about a quid pro quo, a this-for-that agreement. But the courts have also been clear that that doesn't have to be an express promise. It doesn't have to be a written agreement. It doesn't have to be anything formal," Wise said. "Courts have, in some instances, used phrases like 'winks and nods'. So, what will constitute sufficient proof of a corrupt agreement between the two sides, I think, is probably where the battleground of this case will be."